#nop friend,, cutoff system #action {Welcome to The Great Hunt. Play hard and die well.} {mv;scripthelp;setprompt} #alias {scripthelp} {#showme Type -setprompt- so the script will operate properly;#showme Type -setpromptexp- to show experience to next level in your prompt;#showme Type -mv- to toggle client messages on alias and variable changes, keep it OFF;#showme Type -status- to see your mode states;#showme;#showme NEVER use the #write command in wintin.;#showme It will alphabetize all line items in the script making it impossible to read with a text editor;#showme Visit http://www.rasbora.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/winhlp.htm for wintin help;#showme;#showme Type one of the following topics to see help on that topic;#showme TOPICS:;#showme;#showme autoattackhelp;#showme pkhelp;#showme modehelp;#showme ogrehelp;#showme potionhelp;#showme spellhelp;#showme throwhelp;#showme channelhelp;#showme autowalkhelp} #alias {autoattackhelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme Autoattack is a set of actions that make the script automatically attack your;#showme target when you see Target is here, or Target has arrived. The actions also;#showme allow your character to chase your target using scan actions when they flee.;#showme Autoattacking is almost fully automated in this script, meaning you should;#showme never have to worry about turning autoattack on and off. If needed, press -aa-.; #showme Autoattack turns on when you portal to target -pt- do a where target -wt-;#showme and when you do -sc- for scan target.;#showme Autoattack turns off when you flee, get dispelled, webbed, recall, get charmed.;#showme Autoattack is also ALWAYS off at Law, Inside the Temple, Arathelle Way, and;#showme Mother Guenna's House.;#showme The reason for this, is because it is not ideal to autoattack people in rooms;#showme with healers, or in rooms next to healers. The choice of pushing your target;#showme first, is a much wiser one. It is pointless to attack someone while they are;#showme able to spam heal heal. All you do is waste mana while their hp slowly rise.;#showme ===================================================} #alias {pkhelp} {#showme Explanation of script pk aliases;#showme To set a target type -tar ***- where *** is the person you want to attack;#showme To set an attack, type -atk ***- where *** is the alias of the attack;#showme you wish to use. Ex :lb - c 'lightning breath' type -atk lb- to set your;#showme attack to lightning breath;#showme Type -x- when your target is at your location to attack your target with the;#showme skill or spell you specified;#showme Note: If your target has an open portal, the script will not attack, but push;#showme your target away from the portal first, then attack.;#showme Type -sp- to spam your attack until you type -sp- again or you land your attack; #showme Type -cha ***- to set your reporting channel for pk related information.;#showme Type -talk- to toggle channel reporting on and off.;#showme The alias -p- is used to push your target. If you wish to specify a direction;#showme type -pn pe ps pw pu or pd- Rooms like law, eryl and healer, have a preset;#showme push direction, so you can just hit -p-;#showme To portal after your target using the smart portal system, type -pt-;#showme Typing this alias will provide you with the best bad portal protection that;#showme Wintin can offer. It will automatically open a portal and enter when it is safe;#showme It will alter the portal number it enters if anyone tries to open a portal in;#showme the same room as you.;#showme To manually portal to target use -z- to cast, -ep- to enter, and -lp- to look;#showme -eg- is used for entering gates, please look first.;#showme Type -rep- to show your stats over the previously specified channel.;#showme Type -a- to report over your channel that you have taggged target.;#showme Type -f- to flee from combat.;#showme Type -wh- to do a where.;#showme Type -hh- to heal hp at a healer, -hm- for mana, -hr- for moves;#showme Type -hp- for poison, -hd- for heal disease and -hu- for heal uncurse.;#showme Type -cw- for cast word of recall.;#showme Type -fj- and -dj- to fill/drink from your container.} #alias {modehelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme Type -status- to see the current mode states;#showme Type -aa- to toggle autoattack mode.;#showme Type -autoeat- to toggle automatic eating of hearts and brains;#showme Type -reagent- to toggle automatic reagent grab;#showme Type -gem- to toggle automatic gem grab;#showme Type -mv- to toggle messages concerning variable and alias changes. Recommend OFF;#showme ===================================================} #alias {ogrehelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme In order to use the ogre area actions and aliases properly, it helps to;#showme know the layout of the ogre area first.;#showme First type -obj- jav to set your throw object to javelins.;#showme Type -tar- grem to set target to gremlins;#showme Once you have collected enough javelins to kill the ogre (10-12+), ;#showme bring him to the sw quadrant of the area. (near the entrance);#showme To kill the ogre, get him to chase you from behind.;#showme While you are leading him around in a loop (southwest quadrant is best);#showme Run to a corner type either -ate- -atn- -ats- or -atw- for ;#showme autothrow direction. Specify the direction that the ogre is chasing ;#showme you from. When the ogre runs to two rooms away, the mud will print ;#showme the message 'Heavy stomping rumbles the cave.' Upon receiving this;#showme message, the script will autothrow a javelin in the direction previously;#showme specified with ate/atw/ats/atn. Move to the next corner, 5 rooms away;#showme should be sufficient and repeat this process until you kill the ogre;#showme or run out of javelins. I suggest you throw from corners, because ;#showme as you run around the loop, it is easy to pick up the non broken;#showme javelins and throw them again.;#showme This method is perferred above scanning because with scan lag, you;#showme might end up throwing your javelin after the ogre has moved,;#showme causing a sure miss.;#showme ===================================================} #alias {potionhelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme To use the reagent/potion tracking system, there are only a few aliases to know;#showme Type -inv- to show your inventory, so the script can read in potions and reagents.;#showme Type -showpot- to see a reagent/potion table.;#showme Type -makepot- to see a list of current makeable potions.;#showme Type -cinv- to clear your reagent amounts.;#showme The script isnt built to subtract reagents or potions as you use them;#showme or put them in cauldron. -cinv- will clear the amounts, then type ;#showme -inv- again to re record the new numbers.;#showme Type -showinv- to see a list of the current important potions you have ;#showme in your inventory.;#showme If you have a fire reagent (beetle, fly, ant) You can type -makefire- at the;#showme cauldron to make an explosive vial;#showme Type -sv- to autoshake then drop an explosive vial for combat purposes.;#showme ===================================================} #alias {spellhelp} {#showme ==================;#showme ALIAS SPELL;#showme -ab- acid breath;#showme -acid- acid blast;#showme -armor- armor;#showme -bh- burning hands;#showme -bli- blindness;#showme -canc- cancellation;#showme -wind- celestial wind;#showme -cb- cure blindness;#showme -chain- chain lightning;#showme -charm- charm person;#showme -cp- cure poison;#showme -curse- curse;#showme -dem- demonfire;#showme -dh- detect hidden;#showme -di- detect invis;#showme -dm- detect magic;#showme -disp- dispel magic;#showme -div- divine wrath;#showme -fb- fire breath;#showme -ff- faerie fire;#showme -fire- fireball;#showme -fly- fly;#showme -fog- fearie fog;#showme -fr- frost breath;#showme -gate- gate;#showme -gb- gas breath;#showme -giant- giant strength;#showme -gh- glyph of holding;#showme -gl- glyph of light;#showme NOTE: You must have the corresponding scroll to use glyphs;#showme You can buy them 2s3w2n2es from law;#showme -haste- haste;#showme -know- know alignment;#showme -lb- lightning breath;#showme -lco- locate object;#showme -o- locate person;#showme -mt- manatrans;#showme -maj- major heal;#showme -pass- pass door;#showme -po- portal;#showme -poi- poison;#showme -prot- protection align;#showme -roll- rolling earth and fire;#showme -sanc- sanctuary;#showme -lt- scry target;#showme -shield- shield;#showme -sle- sleep;#showme -soul- soulstorm;#showme -stone- stone skin;#showme -sum- summon;#showme -tp- true power;#showme -wa- water breath;#showme -weak- weaken;#showme -web- web;#showme -cw- word of recall;#showme =====} #alias {throwhelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme To use the scripts throwing aliases and actions...;#showme Type -obj ***- to set the object you wish to throw.;#showme Type -te tn ts tw tu td- to throw the object in specified direction.;#showme If your object is set to vial, the script will automatically shake it first,;#showme Then throw it.;#showme NOTE: You can throw an object into a room with a glyph or tripwire in it,;#showme to remove it.;#showme ===================================================} #alias {channelhelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme Channel reporting is used to send important pk information over a specified;#showme channel. To set your channel, type -cha ***- where *** is the channel ;#showme you want to share pk information. ;#showme In 1 on 1 pk, there is no point in sharing informaion, so to turn off channel;#showme reporting completely, type -talk-;#showme Channel reporting does turn on when you set a channel, its default is off;#showme ===================================================} #alias {autowalkhelp} {#showme ===================================================;#showme Autowalk is used to help you walk along a two way path with out typing in the directions.;#showme To use autowalk, type -an ae as aw au ad- to begin the autowalk. The script will ;#showme continue along the path you specify until it reaches an intersection.;#showme The script will also pick up gems and reagents, if those modes are turned on.;#showme The script will also stop and autoattack a target if you see it along the path.;#showme The script will stop autowalking if attacked.;#showme Type -ao- to stop the autowalk manually;#showme ===================================================} #nop BEFORE READING THIS SCRIPT INTO WINTIN #nop - MAKE SURE that every line of text starts with a # symbol, and that each action/alias is on ONE SINGLE line #nop - If that is not the case, your text editor has the WORD WRAP option turned on, which forces long lines, to fit within a certain page width, causing them to be broken on 2 lines #nop - Try turning that option off, then re opening the file and see if that fixes it. If not, then you must manually fix all broken lines. It shouldnt take too long. #alias {tgh} {#ses player tghmud.org 8500} #alias {mv} {#mes var;#mes alias} #action {^<%1hp %2m %3mv %4g [%5]} {#var hp $1;#var mana $2;#var mv $3;#var gold $4;#var loc $5;#var autowalkready 0;scanCode} {5} #action {[Exits:} {#var incombat 0;#var pnum 0;#var porting 0;#var fpp 1;#var nextMoveReady 1;#var enemyportalopen 0;#var autowalkready 1} {5} #var {hp} {0} #var {mana} {0} #var {mv} {0} #var {gold} {0} #var {loc} {0} #alias {status} {#showme --MODE-- --STATUS--;#showme;#showme TARGET -tar- $target;#showme ATTACK -atk- $atk;#if {$autoattack = 1} {#showme AUTOATTACK -aa- ON} else {#showme AUTOATTACK -aa- OFF};#showme DRINK CONTAINER -con- $con;#showme WEAPON -wea- $wea;#showme THROW OBJECT -obj- $throwobject;#showme CHANNEL -cha- $cha;#if {$talk = 1} {#showme CHANNEL REPORTING -talk- ON} else {#showme CHANNEL REPORTING -talk- OFF};#if {$autoeat = 1} {#showme AUTOEAT(heart/brain) ON} else {#showme AUTOEAT(heart/brain) OFF};#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {#showme REAGENT grab ON} else {#showme REAGENT grab OFF};#if {$gemgrab = 1} {#showme GEM grab ON} else {#showme GEM grab OFF}} #alias {kr} {#killall;#read newbie.txt} #alias {setprompt} {prompt <&*r%h&!hp &*g%m&!m &*c%v&!mv &*y%g&!g [\%r] \%s>\%c} #alias {setpromptexp} {prompt <&*r%h&!hp &*g%m&!m &*c%v&!mv &*y%g&!g [\%r] %s%x%c} #variable {cha} {tell self} #variable {color} {use this variable to highlight a single word} #variable {con} {jug} #variable {atk} {kill} #variable {sm} {1} #variable {subduer} {} #variable {target} {---} #variable {wea} {---} #alias {wt} {where $target;#var autoattack 1} #alias {x} {$atk $target} #nop #nop CHANNEL REPORTING #nop Sets the channel you wish to use for pk reports #nop Type -talk 0- to turn off all channel reporting #nop Type -cha ...- to set the channel to gd or tell Guxx #alias {talk} {#if {[$talk]=[0]} {#var talk 1;#showme CHANNEL REPORTING ON} else {#var talk 0;#showme CHANNEL REPORTING OFF} #var {talk} {0} #alias {cha} {#var cha %0;#show Channel set to %0;#var talk 1} #nop #nop VARIABLE SETTING ALIASES #nop -atk ...- sets your attack to ... #nop -tar ...- sets your target to ... #nop read the others to see what they do #alias {do} {atk} #alias {atk} {#var atk %1;#show ATTACK set to %1} #alias {friend} {#var friend %1;#show Friend set to %1} #alias {wea} {#var wea %1;#show Weapon set to %1} #alias {tg} {tar} #alias {tar} {#var target %1;#if {$talk = 1} {$cha Target set to %1;whois %1} else {#showme Target set to %1}} #alias {con} {#var con %1;#show CONTAINER set to %1} #nop #nop COMBAT ALIASES / ACTIONS #nop #alias {a} {$cha >>$target<< tagged at-- $loc ($tcond)} #alias {cw} {c word;#var autoattack 0} #alias {dj} {drink $con} #alias {eg} {enter gate} #alias {fj} {fill $con} #alias {f} {flee;#var autoattack 0} #alias {gg} {give 50000 gold $0} #alias {lg} {look in gate} #alias {lp} {l in por} #alias {wh} {where} #alias {rep} {$cha I have $hp/$mana/$mv at $loc}} #action {PANIC! You couldn't escape!} {flee} #action {^The force of %1 wind tosses you away.} {stand} #var {inArea} {0} #action {^$target %0} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target at $0;#var inArea 1}} {5} #action {^You have been KILLED!!} {#if {$talk} {$cha I have been KILLED!}} {5} #action {^You sense no $target in %1.} {#var autowalk 0;#var autowalkready 0;#var continuewalking 0;#if {$inArea && $talk} {$cha $target has left $1;#var inArea 0}} #action {^$target appears to be blinded.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is BLIND!}} {5} #action {^$target disappears.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target has RECALLED!}} {5} #action {^$target is DEAD} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is DEAD!!!}} {5} #action {^$target is blinded by the sunburst!} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target has been blinded by the sunburst!}} {5} #action {^$target is covered in sticky webs!} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is WEBBED at -$loc- ($tcond);atk acid}} {5} #action {^$target looks at you with adoring eyes.} {#if {$talk} {$cha I have CHARMED $target}} {5} #action {^$target looks tired and weak.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is WEAKENED!}} {5} #action {^$target looks very uncomfortable.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is CURSED!}} {5} #action {^$target is surrounded by a pink outline.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is &rFAERIE FIRED&!!}} {5} #action {^$target steps into a glowing portal.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target has PORTALED from $loc}} {5} #action {^$target vanishes!} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target has TELEPORTED!}} {5} #action {^The white aura around $target} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target has NO SANC! at -$loc- ($tcond)} {5} #action {^You cover $target with sticky webs!} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target is WEBBED at $loc ($tcond);atk acid}} {5} #action {^%1 is surrounded by a pink outline.} {#if {$talk} {$cha $1 has been &rFAERIE FIRED!!!&!} #action {^Your feet rise off the ground.} {#var fly 1} #action {^You float slowly to the ground.} {#var fly 0} #action {^Your eyes tingle.} {#var di 1} #action {^You no longer see invisible objects.} {#var di 0} #action {^$target is at %1 in %2} {#if {$talk} {$cha $target -- $1 -- in area -- $2}} #action {^The white aura around your body fades} {#var autoattack 0;#showme ========oooo))))0000((((oooo========;#showme ============SANC IS GONE============;#showme ========oooo))))0000((((oooo========} {1} #action {^A sticky web forms around your body!} {showtele;#var autoattack 0;#if {$talk} {$cha I have been WEBBED at $loc - $hp HP;wimpy 0}} {5} #action {^You break free from the webs!} {wimpy;#if {$talk} {$cha I have broken the WEBS}} {5} #action {sends your weapon flying} {get $wea; wield $wea} {0} #action {^%1 subdues you} {#var subduer $1} {5} #action {^Isn't %1 just so nice} {#bell;#var autoattack 0} {5} #action {^You disappear into the void.} {look} {5} #action {^You are hungry.} {#3 dj} {5} #action {^You are thirsty.} {#3 dj} {5} #action {^The web holding you dissolves.} {$cha I have cancelled my WEB;wimpy} #var {autoeat} {0} #action {You eat a} {#unvar autoeattype} #alias {autoeat} {#if {[$autoeat]=[0]} {#var autoeat 1;#showme AUTOEAT ON} else {#var autoeat 0;#showme AUTOEAT OFF} #action {heart is torn from %1 chest.} {#var autoeattype heart;get heart;#if {$autoeat = 1} {eat heart}} #action {and %1 brains splash all over you.} {#var autoeattype brain;get brain;#if {$autoeat = 1} {eat brain}} #action {You are too full to eat more.} {puke;#if {[$autoeattype] = [heart]} {eat $autoeattype};#if {[$autoeattype] = [brain]} {eat brain}};#unvar autoeattype} #nop #nop AM I IN COMBAT? / AUTOATTACK / AUTOPORTALPUSH #nop #var {targetinsameroom} {0} #alias {aa} {#if {[$autoattack]=[0]} {#var autoattack 1;#showme AUTOATTACK ON} else {#var autoattack 0;#showme AUTOATTACK OFF} #action {$target has fled!} {#if {[$loc]=[The Seat of Law]} {where $target};#if {[$loc]=[Arathelle Way]} {where $target};#if {[$loc]=[Inside the Temple]} {where $target} #action {^$target has fled!} {#if {$autoattack = 1 && $mexit = 1 && $incombat = 1} {scan $target;#var incombat 0} else #if {$sexit = 1 && $autoattack = 1 && $incombat = 1} {$dir;x;scan}} #action {^$target has arrived.} {#if {$autoattack = 1 && $incombat = 0} {x}} #action {$target is here.} {ao;#var targetinsameroom 1;#var autowalk 0;#var autowalkready 0;#var continuewalking 0;#if {$pushing = 1} { } else #if {$enemyportalopen = 1} {#var autoattack 1;push $target $autoportalpushdir} else {#if {$autoattack = 1 && $incombat = 0 && $pd = 0} {x}} {7} #var {enemyportalopen} {0} #var {autoportalpushdir {?} #nop autoportalpushdir is set in -Exit Actions- AND enemyportalopen is reset by main exit action #action {^ A glowing portal hovers inches above the ground.} {#var enemyportalopen 1} {1} #action {^Mother Guenna's House} {#var autoattack 0;#var pdir d} {1} #action {^By the Altar} {#var pdir s} {1} #action {^Inside the Temple} {#var autoattack 0} {1} #action {^The Seat of Law} {#var autoattack 0;#var pdir s} {1} #action {^Yellow Palm Healers} {#var pdir w} {1} #action {^Arathelle Way} {#var autoattack 0} {1} #var {autoattack} {0} #var {incombat} {0} #var {tcond} {?} #var {pd} {0} #action {^$target is in excellent condition.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond excellent} {8} #action {^$target has a few scratches.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond few scratches} {8} #action {^$target has some small wounds and bruises.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond small wounds} {8} #action {^$target has quite a few wounds.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond quite a few} {8} #action {^$target has some big nasty wounds.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond big nasty} {8} #action {^$target looks pretty hurt.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond pretty hurt} {8} #action {^$target is in awful condition.} {#var incombat 1;#var tcond **AWFUL**} {8} #action {is in excellent condition} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #action {has a few scratches.} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #action {has some small wounds and bruises.} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #action {has quite a few wounds.} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #action {has some big nasty wounds.} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #action {looks pretty hurt.} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #action {is in awful condition.} {#var incombat 1;#var pd 0} {9} #nop #nop PORTAL / PORTAL PROTECTION #alias {z} {c portal $target} #alias {ep} {enter $pnum.portal;#var pnum 0;#if {$porting} {scan $target}} #var {pnum} {0} #var {porting} {0} #alias {lp} {look in port} #action {^You open a glowing portal.} {#var pnum 1;#if {$porting} {where portalopen}} #action {^You sense no Portalopen} {#if {$porting = 1} {ep} #action {^%1 makes a few arcane gestures and a glowing portal appears!} {#if {$porting=1} {#math {pnum} {$pnum+1}} #alias {pt} {cast portal $target;#var autoattack 1;#var porting 1} #action {A portal opens, but seems unstable.} {#var porting 0} #nop #nop DRAG / PUSH #nop #variable {pdir} {?} #variable {friend} {?} #nop Auto Pdir set in autoattack section #alias {dd} {drag $target down;#var pdir down} #alias {de} {drag $target e;#var pdir east} #alias {dn} {drag $target n;#var pdir north} #alias {ds} {drag $target s;#var pdir south} #alias {du} {drag $target up;#var pdir up} #alias {dw} {drag $target w;#var pdir w} #alias {dfd} {drag $friend down} #alias {dfe} {drag $friend east} #alias {dfn} {drag $friend north} #alias {dfs} {drag $friend south} #alias {dfu} {drag $friend up} #alias {dfw} {drag $friend west} #alias {p} {#var autoattack 1;#if {[$loc] = [Mother Guenna's House]} {open down;push $target $pdir} else {push $target $pdir}} #alias {pd} {push $target d;#var pdir down} #alias {pe} {push $target e;#var pdir east} #alias {pn} {push $target n;#var pdir north} #alias {ps} {push $target s;#var pdir south} #alias {pu} {push $target u;#var pdir up} #alias {pw} {push $target w;#var pdir west} #alias {pfd} {push $friend down} #alias {pfe} {push $friend east} #alias {pfn} {push $friend north} #alias {pfs} {push $friend south} #alias {pfu} {push $friend up} #alias {pfw} {push $friend west} #action {^You drag $target down.} {#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {x}} {5} #action {^You drag $target east.} {#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {x}} {5} #action {^You drag $target north.} {#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {x}} {5} #action {^You drag $target south.} {#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {x}} {5} #action {^You drag $target up.} {#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {x}} {5} #action {^You drag $target west.} {#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {x}} {5} #nop Pushing Variable used in autoattack actions #action {^You slam into $target pushing %1 east.} {#var pushing 1;#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {east;x}} {5} #action {^You slam into $target pushing %1 north.} {#var pushing 1;#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {north;x} {5} #action {^You slam into $target pushing %1 south.} {#var pushing 1;#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {south;x} {5} #action {^You slam into $target pushing %1 west.} {#var pushing 1;#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {west;x} {5} #action {^You slam into $target pushing %1 up.} {#var pushing 1;#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {up;x}} {5} #action {^You slam into $target pushing %1 down.} {#var pushing 1;#var incombat 1;#if {$autoattack = 1} {down;x}} {5} #action {^You throw your weight against} {!} {5} #action {^$target looks at you with contempt and then ignores you.} {!} {5} #action {^Better let %1 get up first.} {drag $target $pdir} {5} #action {^You can't drag someone who is standing.} {push $target $pdir} {5} #action {^You throw your weight against $friend, but %1 won't budge.} {push $friend $dir} {5} #action {^$friend looks at you with contempt and then ignores you.} {push $friend $dir} {5} #nop #nop EXIT ACTIONS #nop #alias {dir} {#var dir %1} #var {sexit} {0} #var {mexit} {0} #var {retreatdir} {n} #var {dir} {?} #action {^$target retreats from the fight} {#if {$sexit=1 && $autoattack=1} {dir} else #if {$mexit = 1 && $autoattack = 1} {$retreatdir}} #action {^[Exits: %0 %1]} {#var {sexit} {0};#var {mexit} {1}} {5} #action {^[Exits: %1} {#var retreatdir $1} {5} #action {^[Exits: down]} {#var {sexit} {1};#var {dir} {down};#var mexit 0;#var autowalk 0} {5} #action {^[Exits: east]} {#var {sexit} {1};#var {dir} {east};#var mexit 0;#var autowalk 0} {5} #action {^[Exits: north]} {#var {sexit} {1};#var {dir} {north};#var mexit 0;#var autowalk 0} {5} #action {^[Exits: south]} {#var {sexit} {1};#var {dir} {south};#var mexit 0;#var autowalk 0} {5} #action {^[Exits: up]} {#var {sexit} {1};#var {dir} {up};#var mexit 0;#var autowalk 0} {5} #action {^[Exits: west]} {#var {sexit} {1};#var {dir} {west};#var mexit 0;#var autowalk 0} {5} #action {^[Exits: down} {#var autoportalpushdir down} #action {^[Exits: up} {#var autoportalpushdir up} #action {^[Exits: north} {#var autoportalpushdir north} #action {^[Exits: east} {#var autoportalpushdir east} #action {^[Exits: south} {#var autoportalpushdir south} #action {^[Exits: west} {#var autoportalpushdir west} #nop SCANNING ACTIONS #var scanningTarg 0 #var scanDir n #var scanDist 0 #var nextMoveReady 0 #alias {sc} {#var autoattack 1;scan $target} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is close by to the north.} {#if {$incombat=0} {n;#var scanDir n;#var scanDist 0;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is not far off to the north.} {#if {$incombat=0} {n;#var scanDir n;#var scanDist 1;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is a brief walk away to the north.} {#if {$incombat=0} {n;#var scanDir n;#var scanDist 2;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is rather far off to the north.} {#if {$incombat=0} {n;#var scanDir n;#var scanDist 3;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is close by to the east.} {#if {$incombat=0} {e;#var scanDir e;#var scanDist 0;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is not far off to the east.} {#if {$incombat=0} {e;#var scanDir e;#var scanDist 1;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is a brief walk away to the east.} {#if {$incombat=0} {e;#var scanDir e;#var scanDist 2;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is rather far off to the east.} {#if {$incombat=0} {e;#var scanDir e;#var scanDist 3;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is close by to the south.} {#if {$incombat=0} {s;#var scanDir s;#var scanDist 0;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is not far off to the south.} {#if {$incombat=0} {s;#var scanDir s;#var scanDist 1;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is a brief walk away to the south.} {#if {$incombat=0} {s;#var scanDir s;#var scanDist 2;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is rather far off to the south.} {#if {$incombat=0} {s;#var scanDir s;#var scanDist 3;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is close by to the west.} {#if {$incombat=0} {w;#var scanDir w;#var scanDist ;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is not far off to the west.} {#if {$incombat=0} {w;#var scanDir w;#var scanDist ;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is a brief walk away to the west.} {#if {$incombat=0} {w;#var scanDir w;#var scanDist ;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is rather far off to the west.} {#if {$incombat=0} {w;#var scanDir w;#var scanDist ;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is close by to the up.} {#if {$incombat=0} {u;#var scanDir u;#var scanDist 0;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is not far off to the up.} {#if {$incombat=0} {u;#var scanDir u;#var scanDist 1;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is a brief walk away to the up.} {$incombat=0} {u;#var scanDir u;#var scanDist 2;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is rather far off to the up.} {#if {$incombat=0} {u;#var scanDir u;#var scanDist 3;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is close by to the down.} {#if {$incombat=0} {d;#var scanDir d;#var scanDist 0;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is not far off to the down.} {#if {$incombat=0} {d;#var scanDir d;#var scanDist 1;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is a brief walk away to the down.} {#if {$incombat=0} {d;#var scanDir d;#var scanDist 2;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^$target (PLAYER) who is rather far off to the down.} {#if {$incombat=0} {d;#var scanDir d;#var scanDist 3;#var scanningTarg 1}} #action {^Alas, you cannot go that way.} {#var scanningTarg 0;#var autowalk 0} #alias scanCode {#if {$scanningTarg != 0 && $nextMoveReady != 0} {#var nextMoveReady 0;#if {$scanDist = 0} {#var scanningTarg 0;#if {$incombat = 0} {sc}};#if {$scanDist > 0} {$scanDir;#math {scanDist} {$scanDist-1}}}} #nop #nop HIGHLIGHTS #nop #highlight {green} {$closed} #highlight {green} {$color} #highlight {red} {$target has arrived.} #highlight {red} {$target is here.} #highlight {red} {%0 disarms you, and sends your weapon flying.} #highlight {green} {%1 now follows you.} #highlight {light red} {A sticky web forms around your body!} #highlight {light red} {A sticky web forms around your body.} #highlight {red} {GOLD} #highlight {red} {Isn't %1 just so nice} #highlight {light red} {The white aura around your body fades} #highlight {green} {Yellow Palm Healers} #highlight {red} {You are no longer invisible.} #highlight {yellow} {You are no longer tapped into the True Power.} #highlight {cyan} {You break free from the webs!} #highlight {red} {You feel hot and feverish.} #highlight {light cyan} {You feel less aware of your suroundings.} #highlight {light green} {You feel more vulnerable to your enemies.} #highlight {light magenta} {You feel unclean.} #highlight {red} {You feel uncomfortable.} #highlight {red} {You feel weaker.} #highlight {red} {You feel yourself slow down.} #highlight {green} {You have enough experience to raise a level.} #highlight {red} {You lose your concentration, and your %0 skill improves.} #highlight {red} {You no longer feel stealthy.} #highlight {red} {You no longer see in the dark.} #highlight {cyan} {You no longer see invisible objects.} #highlight {red} {You no longer walk in the Light.} #highlight {magenta} {You retreat down} #highlight {magenta} {You retreat east} #highlight {magenta} {You retreat north} #highlight {magenta} {You retreat south} #highlight {magenta} {You retreat up} #highlight {magenta} {You retreat west} #highlight {green} {You slowly float to the ground.} #highlight {brown} {You spot tracks of %1 leading you %2} #highlight {red} {Your force field shimmers then fades away.} #highlight {red} {become better} #highlight {red} {skill improves} #highlight {green} {closed} #nop #nop SUBSTITUTES #nop #substitute {The bolt arcs} {.} #substitute {The bolt hits} {.} #substitute {You are full.} {.} #substitute {You are hungry.} {.} #substitute {You are struck} {.} #substitute {You block} {.} #substitute {You can't see anything} {.} #substitute {You do not feel thirsty.} {.} #substitute {You drink water from a Bottle of Spring Water.} {.} #substitute {You drink water from a fine leather jug.} {.} #substitute {You parry} {.} #substitute {You retreat from the fight %0} {You retreat $retreatdir} #substitute {You retreat from the fight.} {You retreat $retreatdir} #substitute {Your dagger} {.} #substitute {You dodge} {.} #substitute {misses} {.} #substitute {parries} {.} #substitute {attempting to look sophisticated.} { } #substitute {hacking black stuff} { } #substitute {then sends tiny ones through} { } #substitute {smoke ring} { } #substitute {blowing a cloud of smoke in your face} { } #substitute {blob in an exact replica} { } #antisub {50} #antisub {dirt} #nop #nop HEAL ALIASES #nop #alias {hh} {heal heal} #alias {hm} {heal mana} #alias {hr} {heal ref} #alias {hu} {heal uncurse} #alias {hp} {heal poison} #alias {hd} {heal disease} #nop #nop MOVEMENT - AUTO OPEN DOORS #nop #alias {n} {north;#var move n;#var spam 0;#var pushing 0;#var targetinsameroom 0;#var scanning 0} #alias {e} {east;#var move e;#var spam 0;#var pushing 0;#var targetinsameroom 0;#var scanning 0} #alias {s} {south;#var move s;#var spam 0;#var pushing 0;#var targetinsameroom 0;#var scanning 0} #alias {w} {west;#var move w;#var spam 0;#var pushing 0;#var targetinsameroom 0;#var scanning 0} #alias {u} {up;#var move u;#var spam 0;#var pushing 0;#var targetinsameroom 0;#var scanning 0} #alias {d} {down;#var move d;#var spam 0;#var pushing 0;#var targetinsameroom 0;#var scanning 0} #action {The %0 is closed.} {open $move} #nop #nop AUTOWALKING - 2 way paths #nop #var {autowalk} {0} #var {adir} {?} #var {bdir} {?} #var {fdir} {?} #var {opdir} {?} #action {^<%1hp} {#if {$autowalk = 1 && $autowalkready = 1} {autowalk}} {1} #var {autowalkready} {0} #var {continuewalking} {0} #nop EXIT ACTIONS IN EXIT ACTION SECTION #action {[Exits: %1 %2 %3]} {#var autowalk 0;#if {$continuewalking = 1} {wt;#var continuewalking 0}} #alias {autowalk} {#if {[$opdir] = [$adir]} {#var fdir $bdir;$bdir;findopdir};#if {[$opdir] = [$bdir]} {#var fdir $adir;$adir;findopdir} #alias {findopdir} {#if {[$fdir] = [south]} {#var opdir north};#if {[$fdir] = [north]} {#var opdir south};#if {[$fdir] = [east]} {#var opdir west};#if {[$fdir] = [west]} {#var opdir east};#if {[$fdir] = [up]} {#var opdir down};#if {[$fdir] = [down]} {#var opdir up}} #alias an {north;#var fdir north;#var autowalk 1;#var opdir south;#var autoattack 1;#var continuewalking 1} #alias as {south;#var fdir south;#var autowalk 1;#var opdir north;#var autoattack 1;#var continuewalking 1} #alias ae {east;#var fdir east;#var autowalk 1;#var opdir west;#var autoattack 1;#var continuewalking 1} #alias aw {west;#var fdir west;#var autowalk 1;#var opdir east;#var autoattack 1;#var continuewalking 1} #alias au {up;#var fdir up;#var autowalk 1;#var opdir down;#var autoattack 1;#var continuewalking 1} #alias ad {down;#var fdir down;#var autowalk 1;#var opdir up;#var autoattack 1;#var continuewalking 1} #alias ao {#var autowalk 0;#var continuewalking 0;#var autowalkready 0} #action {[Exits: north down]} {#var adir north;#var bdir down} #action {[Exits: north up]} {#var adir north;#var bdir up} #action {[Exits: north east]} {#var adir north;#var bdir east} #action {[Exits: north south]} {#var adir north;#var bdir south} #action {[Exits: north west]} {#var adir north;#var bdir west} #action {[Exits: east down]} {#var adir east;#var bdir down} #action {[Exits: east up]} {#var adir east;#var bdir up} #action {[Exits: east south]} {#var adir east;#var bdir south} #action {[Exits: east west]} {#var adir east;#var bdir west} #action {[Exits: south down]} {#var adir south;#var bdir down} #action {[Exits: south up]} {#var adir south;#var bdir up} #action {[Exits: south west]} {#var adir south;#var bdir west} #action {[Exits: west down]} {#var adir west;#var bdir down} #action {[Exits: west up]} {#var adir west;#var bdir up} #action {[Exits: up down]} {#var adir down;#var bdir up} #nop #nop SPELL ALIASES #nop #alias {ab} {c 'acid breath'} #alias {acid} {c acid} #alias {armor} {c armor} #alias {bh} {c 'burning hands'} #alias {bli} {c blind} #alias {canc} {c cancellation} #alias {cb} {c 'cure blindness} #alias {chain} {c 'chain lightning'} #alias {charm} {c charm} #alias {cp} {c 'cure poison' } #alias {curse} {c 'curse' } #alias {dem} {c demonfire} #alias {dh} {c 'detect hidden} #alias {di} {c 'detect invis} #alias {dm} {c 'detect magic'} #alias {disp} {c 'dispel magic'} #alias {div} {c 'divine wrath'} #alias {fb} {c 'fire breath'} #alias {ff} {c 'faerie fire'} #alias {fire} {c fireball} #alias {fly} {c fly} #alias {fog} {c 'fearie fog'} #alias {fr} {c 'frost breath'} #alias {gate} {c gate} #alias {gb} {c 'gas breath'} #alias {giant} c 'giant strength'} #alias {gh} {#if {$talk} {$cha Glyphing - $loc - HOLDING;glyph holding} #alias {gl} {#if {$talk} {$cha Glyphhing - $loc - LIGHT;glyph light} #alias {haste} {c haste} #alias {know} {c 'know alignment' } #alias {lb} {c 'lightning breath'} #alias {lco} {c 'locate object'} #alias {lt} {c 'scry' $target} #alias {maj} {c 'major heal' } #alias {mt} {manatrans} #alias {o} {c 'locate person'} #alias {pass} {c pass} #alias {pm} {c 'protection magic'} #alias {po} {c 'portal'} #alias {poi} {c 'poison'} #alias {prot} {c 'protection align} #alias {roll} {c roll} #alias {sanc} {c sanc} #alias {shield} {c shield} #alias {sle} {c 'sleep'} #alias {stone} {c stone} #alias {soul} {soulstorm} #alias {sum} {c summon} #alias {tp} {true power} #alias {wa} {c 'water breath'} #alias {weak} {c 'weaken'} #alias {web} {c 'web'} #alias {wind} {c 'celestial wind' } #nop SPELL SUBSTITUTES #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'abrazak'.} {$1 utters the words, 'armor'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'aque bcandusahp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'acid breath'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'aque bragh'.} {$1 utters the words, 'acid blast'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'barzyucandus'.} {$1 utters the words, 'balefire'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'candusima'.} {$1 utters the words, 'refresh'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'candussido judifgz'.} {$1 utters the words, 'remove curse'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'diesilla bcandusahp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'lightning breath'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.} {$1 utters the words, 'dispel magic'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'euzuiz xgruhp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'divine wrath'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'farruio zabrahp aie yucandus'.} {$1 utters the words, 'rolling earth and fire'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'.} {$1 utters the words, 'sanctuary'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'} {$1 utters the words, 'stone skin'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'gjwwai'.} {$1 utters the words, 'summon'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'gpuzre'.} {$1 utters the words, 'shield'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'grul ay hfjhp'} {$1 utters the words, 'ray of truth'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'grzzs'.} {$1 utters the words, 'sleep'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'gsl gjwwai'.} {$1 utters the words, 'spy summon'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'gqfl'.} {$1 utters the words, 'scry'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.} {$1 utters the words, 'locate object'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'hiqahz dudasabru'.} {$1 utters the words, 'locate person'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'hzrzsafh'.} {$1 utters the words, 'teleport'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'jigruzzr'.} {$1 utters the words, 'unravel'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'judicandus eugzagz'.} {$1 utters the words, 'cure disease'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'.} {$1 utters the words, 'cure blindness'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'.} {$1 utters the words, 'cure poison'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'.} {$1 utters the words, 'cure critical'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'judifgz abyzqh'.} {$1 utters the words, 'curse object'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'judifgz'.} {$1 utters the words, 'curse'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'noselacri'.} {$1 utters the words, 'blindness'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'oahz'.} {$1 utters the words, 'gate'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'oculoinfra pueoculoi'.} {$1 utters the words, 'detect hidden'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.} {$1 utters the words, 'detect invis'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'oculowaiyucandus'.} {$1 utters the words, 'demonfire'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'ofarw gjwwai'.} {$1 utters the words, 'grolm summon'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'giant strength'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'paghz'.} {$1 utters the words, 'haste'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'pzar'.} {$1 utters the words, 'heal'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qaiqzrrahuai'.} {$1 utters the words, 'cancellation'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qaiyjguai'.} {$1 utters the words, 'confusion'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.} {$1 utters the words, 'create spring'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qcandusahz xahzf'.} {$1 utters the words, 'create water'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qpabraw dudasabru'.} {$1 utters the words, 'charm person'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qpaiizr'.} {$1 utters the words, 'channel'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qpaioz gzn'.} {$1 utters the words, 'change sex'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'qpaui diesilla'.} {$1 utters the words, 'chain lightning'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'rzagp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'leash'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.} {$1 utters the words, 'pass door'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'safhar'.} {$1 utters the words, 'portal'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'sausabru'.} {$1 utters the words, 'poison'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'sfainfrauai aruoi'.} {$1 utters the words, 'protection align'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'sfainfrauai waouq'.} {$1 utters the words, 'protection magic'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'sraojz'.} {$1 utters the words, 'plague'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'tiax aruoiwunsoh'.} {$1 utters the words, 'know alignment'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'.} {$1 utters the words, 'infravision'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'uizug'.} {$1 utters the words, 'invis'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'uizugubrz abyzgh'.} {$1 utters the words, 'invis object'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.} {$1 utters the words, 'energy drain'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.} {$1 utters the words, 'identify'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'wagg pzaruio'.} {$1 utters the words, 'mass heal'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.} {$1 utters the words, 'word of recall'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'xahzf bcandusahp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'water breath'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'xarr ay unsohfasl'.} {$1 utters the words, 'wall of entropy.'} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'xzatunso'.} {$1 utters the words, 'weaken'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'xzb'.} {$1 utters the words, 'web'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'yazfuz yucandus'.} {$1 utters the words, 'faerie fire'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'ycandusikl'.} {$1 utters the words, 'frenzy'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'yfagh bcandusahp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'frost breath'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'yrl'.} {$1 utters the words, 'fly'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.} {$1 utters the words, 'fireball'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'yucandus bcandusahp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'fire breath'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'yzabra'.} {$1 utters the words, 'fear'.} #substitute {^%1 utters the words, 'zaiugp'.} {$1 utters the words, 'vanish'.} #nop #nop QUICK PORTS / GATES #nop #action {Weave: detect invis} {#var di 1} #action {Weave: detect hidden} {#var dh 1} #action {Weave: fly} {#var fly 1} #alias {tvw} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at TV West Gate};c por flour baker} #alias {cpc} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off North End of TV Road};c por child light} #alias {cpe} {c por eryl} #alias {cpel} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at TV East Gate};c por elin} #alias {cpf} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at Farmer!};c por benevolent farmer} #alias {cpfl} {#showme NWS 3E 2N;#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at W. Imperial Crossroads};c por floyd} #alias {cpfc} {#showme SWN;#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off Tar Valon WEST Gate};c por flourcovered} #alias {cpeg} {#showme E 4N;#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off Tar Valon EAST Gate};c por valon shop} #alias {cpwg} {#showme SWN;#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off Tar Valon WEST Gate};c por flourcovered} #alias {cpg} {c por havoc guild guard} #alias {cpgr} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at Main Road in Tear};c por grocer} #alias {cph} {c por healer} #alias {cpi} {c por baran} #alias {cpj} {#if {[$fly] = [1] && [$di] = [1]} {$cha Cutting off Below Mt Olympus};c por julius} else {#showme YOU CANT DO THAT!}} #alias {cpk} {c por gleep} #alias {cpl} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off At North end of Arbalon};c por lucinda} #alias {cpm} {c por mother guenna} #alias {cpml} {c por mountain lion} #alias {cpq} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at Queen Spider};c por queen spider} #alias {cpr} {c por reimon} #alias {cprp} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at River Erinin};c por retired pirate} #alias {cpsc} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off East of Seanchan Guild};c por seanchan guild} #alias {cpsh} {#if {$di = 1} {$cha Cutting off South of Shire!;c por sharg} else {#showme YOU NEED DETECT INVIS!!!}} #alias {cpss} {c por seanchan soldier} #alias {cpv} {c por velum} #alias {cpw} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at Waterwheel};c por water wheel} #alias {cpwc} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at North end of TV Road;c por child light} #alias {wil} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off West of Midenir Forest};c por willow} #alias {ixit} {c por ixit} #alias {fal} {#if {$talk} {$cha Cutting off at Falme East Gate};#showme E N 3E;cpfal} #nop #nop SPAM CODE #nop Use -sp- to spam your attack key until you hit your $target or you type -sp- again to turn it off. #var {spamming} {0} #var {spamcount} {0} #alias {sp} {changespam;x} #action {^They aren't here.} {#if {$spamming=1} {x;#math {spamcount} {$spamcount+1};#if {$spamcount > 4} {wt;#var spamcount 0}}} #alias {changespam} {#math {spamming} {-1*($spamming - 1)} #nop #nop THROW CODE #nop Type -obj ...- to set your throw object to that item. If obj is set to vial, then -sv- will shake and drop a vial auto. #nop tn te ts tw tu td will shake and throw a vial in that direction #var {throwobject} {vial} #alias {obj %1} {#var throwobject $1;#showme THROW OBJECT SET TO -$1-} #alias {sv} {shake vial;drop vial} #alias {tn} {#if {[$throwobject] = [vial]} {shake vial;throw vial north} else {throw $throwobject north}} #alias {te} {#if {[$throwobject] = [vial]} {shake vial;throw vial east} else {throw $throwobject east}} #alias {ts} {#if {[$throwobject] = [vial]} {shake vial;throw vial south} else {throw $throwobject south}} #alias {tw} {#if {[$throwobject] = [vial]} {shake vial;throw vial west} else {throw $throwobject west}} #alias {tu} {#if {[$throwobject] = [vial]} {shake vial;throw vial up} else {throw $throwobject up}} #alias {td} {#if {[$throwobject] = [vial]} {shake vial;throw vial down} else {throw $throwobject down}} #nop #nop POTION/REAGENT INVENTORY LIST CODE #nop #nop To use the potion, reagent section... #nop Type -reagent- to turn on the auto grab for reagents on the ground #nop Type -inv- to record the amounts of different reagents you have into the table #nop Type -showpot- to see a table of reagents #nop Type -makepot- to show a list of current makable potions #nop Type -cinv- after making a potion then -inv- to reset the table amounts. There is currently no method to subtract reagents from inventory. #alias {q} {quaff} #alias {cinv} {#var potbluepill 0;#var potgreenfroth 0;#var pottruesight 0;#var potjuicy 0;#var potblack 0;#var potwoozy 0;#var potwhite 0;#var potdamp 0;#var potchar 0;#var reaacorn 0;#var reaant 0;#var reabat 0;#var reabeak 0;#var reablack 0;#var reablood 0;#var reaclaw 0;#var reacrystal 0;#var reaclover 0;#var readragon 0;#var readung 0;#var readust 0;#var reaecho 0;#var reaegg 0;#var reafeather 0;#var realizard 0;#var reamoon 0;#var reanewt 0;#var rearain 0;#var reashadow 0;#var rearoot 0;#var reashrew 0;#var reaskin 0;#var reatear 0;#var reaweb 0;#var reawhite 0;#var reawish 0;#var reaworm 0} #alias {showtele} {#if {$potverm != 0} {#showme VERM CancSancFly - $potverm -};#if {$potwoozy != 0} {#showme WOOZY CancHealSanc - $potwoozy -};#if {$potwhite != 0} {#showme WHITE CancTeleSanc - $potwhite -};clearhighlight} #alias {showinv} {#if {$potbluepill != 0} {#showme BLUE PILL - $potbluepill -};#if {$potgreenfroth != 0} {#showme GREEN FROTH - $potgreenfroth -};#if {$pottruesight != 0} {#showme TRUE SIGHT - $pottruesight -};#if {$potjuicy != 0} {#showme JUICY 3xREF - $potjuicy -};#if {$potverm != 0} {#showme VERM CancSancFly - $potverm -};#if {$potblack != 0} {#showme BLACK HealHealSanc - $potblack -};#if {$potwoozy != 0} {#showme WOOZY CancHealSanc - $potwoozy -};#if {$potchar != 0} {#showme CHAR CritHealHeal - $potchar -};#if {$pothealing != 0} {#showme HEAL - $pothealing -};#if {$potsap != 0} {#showme SAP - $potsap -};;#if {$potgland != 0} {#showme GLAND - $potgland -};#if {$potwhite != 0} {#showme WHITE CancTeleSanc - $potwhite -};#if {$potdamp != 0} {#showme DAMP SancFlyProt - $potdamp -};#if {$potflask != 0} {#showme FLASK - $potflask -};#if {$potdarkblue != 0} {#showme DARK BLUE - $potdarkblue -};#if {$potdivine != 0} {#showme DIVINE - $potdivine -}} #var potbluepill 0 #var potgreenfroth 0 #var pottruesight 0 #var pothealing 0 #var potsap 0 #var potgland 0 #var potflask 0 #var potdarkblue 0 #var potdivine 0 #var potjuicy 0 #var potverm 0 #var potblack 0 #var potwoozy 0 #var potchar 0 #var potwhite 0 #var potdamp 0 #action {( %0) a blue pill} {#var potbluepill $0} #action {^ a blue pill} {#var potbluepill 1} #action {( %0) a bubbling green froth} {#var potgreenfroth $0} #action {^ a bubbling green froth} {#var potgreenfroth 1} #action {( %0) a potion of true sight} {#var pottruesight $0} #action {^ a potion of true sight} {#var pottruesight 1} #action {( %0) a potion of healing} {#var pothealing $0} #action {^ a potion of healing} {#var pothealing 1} #action {( %0) sap from a katsi bush} {#var potsap $0} #action {^ sap from a katsi bush} {#var potsap 1} #action {( %0) a gland from a windwhale} {#var potgland $0} #action {^ a gland from a windwhale} {#var potgland 1} #action {( %0) a juicy potion [ ref ref ref ]} {#var potjuicy $0} #action {^ a juicy potion [ ref ref ref ]} {#var potjuicy 1} #action {( %0) a vermilion potion [ cancel fly sanct ]} {#var potverm $0} #action {^ a vermilion potion [ cancel fly sanct ]} {#var potverm 1} #action {( %0) a black potion [ heal heal sanct ]} {#var potblack $0} #action {^ a black potion [ heal heal sanct ]} {#var potblack 1} #action {( %0) a woozy potion [ cancel heal sanct ]} {#var potwoozy $0} #action {^ a woozy potion [ cancel heal sanct ]} {#var potwoozy 1} #action {( %0) a chartreuse potion [ cure-crit heal heal ]} {#var potchar $0} #action {^ a chartreuse potion [ cure-crit heal heal ]} {#var potchar 1} #action {( %0) a white potion [ cancel sanct tele ]} {#var potwhite $0} #action {^ a white potion [ cancel sanct tele ]} {#var potwhite 1} #action {( %0) a damp potion [ fly prot sanct ]} {#var potdamp $0} #action {^ a damp potion [ fly prot sanct ]} {#var potdamp 1} #action {^ a damp potion [ fly prot sanct ]} {#var potdamp 1} #action {( %0) a glowing flask} {#var potflask $0} #action {^ a glowing flask} {#var potflask 1} #action {( %0) a dark blue potion} {#var potdarkblue $0} #action {^ a dark blue potion} {#var potdarkblue 1} #action {( %0) a potion of divine protection} {#var potdivine $0} #action {^ a potion of divine protection} {#var potdivine 1} #var reaacorn 0 #var reaant 0 #var reabat 0 #var reabeak 0 #var rebeetle 0 #var reablood 0 #var reaclaw 0 #var reaclover 0 #var reablack 0 #var reacrystal 0 #var readragon 0 #var readung 0 #var readust 0 #var reaecho 0 #var reaegg 0 #var reafeather 0 #var reafly 0 #var realizard 0 #var reamoon 0 #var reanewt 0 #var rearain 0 #var rearoot 0 #var reashadow 0 #var reashrew 0 #var reaskin 0 #var reatear 0 #var reawhite 0 #var reaweb 0 #var reawish 0 #var reaworm 0 #action {( %0) a flawless crystal} {#var reacrystal $0} #action {^ a flawless crystal} {#var reacrystal 1} #action {( %0) a white lotus flower} {#var reawhite $0} #action {^ a white lotus flower} {#var reawhite 1} #action {( %0) a mutated acorn} {#var reaacorn $0} #action {^ a mutated acorn} {#var reaacorn 1} #action {( %0) a nymph teardrop} {#var reatear $0} #action {^ a nymph teardrop} {#var reatear 1} #action {( %0) a raven claw} {#var reaclaw $0} #action {^ a raven claw} {#var reaclaw 1} #action {( %0) a spider web} {#var reaweb $0} #action {^ a spider web} {#var reaweb 1} #action {( %0) a silent echo} {#var reaecho $0} #action {^ a silent echo} {#var reaecho 1} #action {( %0) a black lotus flower} {#var reablack $0} #action {^ a black lotus flower} {#var reablack 1} #action {( %0) some faerie dust} {#var readust $0} #action {^ some faerie dust} {#var readust 1} #action {( %0) a glow worm} {#var reaworm $0} #action {^ a glow worm} {#var reaworm 1} #action {( %0) a chicken beak} {#var reabeak $0} #action {^ a chicken beak} {#var reabeak 1} #action {( %0) some fresh mammoth dung} {#var readung $0} #action {^ some fresh mammoth dung} {#var readung 1} #action {( %0) a rattlesnake skin} {#var reaskin $0} #action {^ a rattlesnake skin} {#var reaskin 1} #action {( %0) a phoenix egg} {#var reaegg $0} #action {^ a phoenix egg} {#var reaegg 1} #action {( %0) a two-headed shrew} {#var reashrew $0} #action {^ a two-headed shrew} {#var reashrew 1} #action {( %0) eye of newt} {#var reanewt $0} #action {^ eye of newt} {#var reanewt 1} #action {( %0) a moonstone} {#var reamoon $0} #action {^ a moonstone} {#var reamoon 1} #action {( %0) a lizard tail} {#var realizard $0} #action {^ a lizard tail} {#var realizard 1} #action {( %0) martyr's blood} {#var reablood $0} #action {^ martyr's blood} {#var reablood 1} #action {( %0) a hummingbird feather} {#var reafeather $0} #action {^ a hummingbird feather} {#var reafeather 1} #action {( %0) wing of bat} {#var reabat $0} #action {^ wing of bat} {#var reabat 1} #action {( %0) a dragonfly} {#var readragon $0} #action {^ a dragonfly} {#var readragon 1} #action {( %0) a frozen shadow} {#var reashadow $0} #action {^ a frozen shadow} {#var reashadow 1} #action {( %0) a four leaf clover} {#var reaclover $0} #action {^ a four leaf clover} {#var reaclover 1} #action {( %0) mandrake root} {#var rearoot $0} #action {^ mandrake root} {#var rearoot 1} #action {( %0) an ocean pearl} {#var reapearl $0} #action {^ an ocean pearl} {#var reapearl 1} #action {( %0) a glittering rainbow} {#var rearain $0} #action {^ a glittering rainbow} {#var rearain 1} #action {( %0) a wishbone} {#var reawish $0} #action {^ a wishbone} {#var reawish 1} #action {( %0) a fire ant} {#var reaant $0} #action {^ a fire ant} {#var reaant 1} #action {( %0) a fire beetle} {#var rebeetle $0} #action {^ a fire beetle} {#var rebeetle 1} #action {( %0) a fire fly} {#var reafly $0} #action {^ a fire fly} {#var reafly 1} #alias {makepot} {makedamp;makejuicy;makeverm;makeblack;makeclumpy;makewoozy;makechar;makewhite} #alias {showpot} {#showme JUICY (3x REF) - Dust $readust/Rain $rearain/Moon $reamoon-Newt $reanewt-Lizard $realizard;#showme VERM (CancelSancFly) - Dragon $readragon/Shrew $reashrew/Wish $reawish-Blood $reablood;#showme BLACK (HealHealSanc) - Clover $reaclover/Wish $reawish/Worm $reaworm;#showme CLUMPY (HealHealRef) - Clover $reaclover/Lizard $realizard/White $reawhite;#showme WOOZY (CancHealSanc) - Clover $reaclover/Shrew $reashrew/Wish $reawish;#showme CHART (CritHealHeal) - Clover $reaclover/Root $rearoot/Worm $reaworm;#showme WHITE (CancTeleSanc) - Shrew $reashrew/Web $reaweb/Wish $reawish-Blood $reablood;#showme DAMP (SancFlyProt) - Feather $reafeather/Tear $reatear/Wish $reawish-Egg $reaegg}}} #alias {clearreagent} {drop all.white;drop all.dragon;drop all.web;drop all.blood;drop all.bat;drop all.crystal;drop all.black;drop all.dung;drop all.pearl;drop all.acorn;drop all.beak;drop all.claw;drop all.skin;drop all.shadow;drop all.echo} #alias {makefire} {buy charcoal;buy sulphur;put fire caul;put sulphur caul;put charc caul;brew} #alias {makejuicy} {#if {$readust > 0 && $reanewt > 0 && $rearain > 0} {#showme JUICY(3x Ref) - Dust Newt Rain};#if {$readust > 0 && $reamoon > 0 && $rearain > 0} {#showme JUICY - Dust Moon Rain};#if {$readust > 0 && $realizard > 0 && $rearain > 0} {#showme JUICY - Dust Lizard Rain}} #alias {makeverm} {#if {$readragon > 0 && $reashrew > 0 && $reawish > 0} {#showme VERM(CancSancFly) - Dragon Shrew Wish};#if {$readragon > 0 && $reashrew > 0 && $reablood > 0} {#showme VERM(CancSancFly) - Dragon Shrew Blood}} #alias {makeblack} {#if {$reaclover > 0 && $reawish > 0 && $reaworm > 0} {#showme BLACK(HealHealSanc) - Clover Wish Worm}} #alias {makeclumpy} {#if {$reaclover > 0 && $realizard > 0 && $reawhite > 0} {#showme CLUMPY(HealHealRef) - Clover Lizard White}} #alias {makewoozy} {#if {$reaclover > 0 && $reashrew > 0 && $reawish > 0} {#showme WOOZY(CancHealSanc) - Clover Shrew Wish}} #alias {makechar} {#if {$reaclover > 0 && $rearoot > 0 && $reaworm > 0} {#showme CHART(CritHealHeal) - Clover Root Worm}} #alias {makewhite} {#if {$reashrew > 0 && $reaweb > 0 && $reawish > 0} {#showme WHITE(CancTeleSanc) - Shrew Web Wish}} #alias {makedamp} {#if {$reafeather > 0 && $reatear > 0 && $reawish > 0} {#showme DAMP(SancFlyProt) - Feather Tear Wish};#if {$reafeather > 0 && $reatear > 0 && $reaegg > 0} {#showme Damp(SancFlyProt) -Feather Tear Egg}} #nop #nop REAGENT COLLECTING MODE #nop #var {reagentgrab} {0} #var {gemgrab} {0} #alias {reagent} {#if {[$reagentgrab]=[0]} {#var reagentgrab 1;#showme GRABBING REAGENTS} else {#var reagentgrab 0;#showme NO LONGER GRABBING REAGENTS} #alias {gem} {#if {[$gemgrab]=[0]} {#var gemgrab 1;#showme GRABBING GEMS} else {#var gemgrab 0;#showme NO LONGER GRABBING GEMS} #action {POTION/REAGENT INVENTORY LIST CODE #action {Some sparkling dew gleams brightly here.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A black taloned claw scratches at the ground.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A small black wing is here, twitching sporadically.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A snake has shedded its skin here.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A disembodied newt eye stares hauntingly into the nothingness.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A cracked shell lies here amidst a pile of ashes.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {An ocean pearl gleams brightly here.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {a small white bone lays half-buried and long forgotten.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A four leaf clover catches your eye. It must be your lucky day!} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A small rock lies here, reflecting beams of light.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A glowing worm sqirms around, looking for dirt.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A rainbow descends from the heavens.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A beak lies here, clucking at anyone who will listen.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A white flower with purple leaves grows here} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A large pile of dung lays here, beneath a cloud of flies.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A tiny feather whirls in the wind.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A tiny dragonfly is buzzing around.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A lone teardrop hovers here.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A lumpy acorn lolls about.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {An uncast shadow darkens your path.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A two-headed shrew is here, arguing with itself.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A black flower with purple leaves grows here, looking dark} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A sense of deja-vu fills you. Have you been here before?} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A twisted root lays here.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A perfect crystal is here, reflecting images from the past.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A small pile of dust glitters like starlight.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A lizard tail writhes on the ground.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {a delicately woven spider web awaits an unsuspecting visitor.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {Blood from a holyman congeals here in a puddle.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get reagent}} {1} #action {A tiny fire bug is buzzing around here.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get fire}} {1} #action {A red fire ant is here, blazing brightly.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get fire}} {1} #action {A shiny fire beetle is here, glowing softly.} {#if {$reagentgrab = 1} {get fire}} {1} #nop GEMS #high {green} {An olive colored gem lies hidden in the weeds.} #high {green} {A crystal clear diamond lies here, shimmering in the sunlight.} #high {green} {An intense green stone has been left here.} #high {green} {A dark green stone lies on the ground, half covered in mud.} #high {green} {A stone of intense yellowish orange sits on a tree stump.} #high {green} {A bluish purple stone lies on the ground.} #action {An olive colored gem lies hidden in the weeds.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.alexandrite}} #action {A crystal clear diamond lies here, shimmering in the sunlight.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.diamond}} #action {An intense green stone has been left here.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.emerald}} #action {A bluish-purple stone glimmers in the light.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.tanzanite}} #action {A stone the color of the deep sea has been carelessly left here.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.sapphire}} #action {A color-shifting greenish-orange stone lies on the ground encrusted with mud.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.garnet}} #nop #action {A dark green stone lies on the ground, half covered in mud.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.garnet}} #nop #action {A stone of intense yellowish orange sits on a tree stump.} {#if {$gemgrab = 1} {get all.sapphire}} #nop OGRE ACTIONS #nop TO USE THESE ACTIONS..... #nop First type -obj jav- This sets your throw object #nop When ogre is chasing you close behind, run around the loop in the sw quadrant of the level, where you start. #nop Run 2 rooms past a corner, and type ate/atw etc... depending on which direction he is coming from. #nop The actions will wait until he is 2 rooms away from you, then throw a javelin automatically as soon as he is in range #nop Its good to throw into corners so you can easily pick them up again if they dont break. #nop Leading the ogre around in a circle while you whack on him from a distance is the easiest way to kill. You should have about 12 javelins #var {at} {0} #var {throwdir} {?} #alias {zt} {#if {[$at]=[0]} {#var at 1;#showme ==============AUTOTHROW READY} else {#var at 0;#showme ==============AUTOTHROW DISABLED} #alias {ate} {#var throwdir east;#var at 1;#showme ===Autothrow set to EAST===} #alias {atw} {#var throwdir west;#var at 1;#showme ===Autothrow set to WEST===} #alias {ats} {#var throwdir south;#var at 1;#showme ===Autothrow set to SOUTH===} #alias {atn} {#var throwdir north;#var at 1;#showme ===Autothrow set to NORTH===} #action {^Heavy stomping rumbles} {#if {$at = 1} {throw jav 2 $throwdir}} #action {With a mighty swing, you launch a throwing javelin} {#var at 0} #antisub {Ogre} #action {A Giant Ogre who is close by to the west.} {throw $throwobject west} #action {A Giant Ogre who is close by to the east.} {throw $throwobject east} #action {A Giant Ogre who is close by to the south.} {throw $throwobject south} #action {A Giant Ogre who is close by to the north.} {throw $throwobject north} #action {A Giant Ogre who is not far off to the west.} {throw $throwobject 2 west} #action {A Giant Ogre who is not far off to the east.} {throw $throwobject 2 east} #action {A Giant Ogre who is not far off to the south.} {throw $throwobject 2 south} #action {A Giant Ogre who is not far off to the north.} {throw $throwobject 2 north} #action {A Giant Ogre who is a brief walk away the west.} {throw $throwobject 3 west} #action {A Giant Ogre who is a brief walk away the east.} {throw $throwobject 3 east} #action {A Giant Ogre who is a brief walk away the south.} {throw $throwobject 3 south} #action {A Giant Ogre who is a brief walk away the north.} {throw $throwobject 3 north} #high {yellow} {You smell a putrid rotting fungus.} #high {yellow} {You hear twigs snapping.} #high {yellow} {You hear water splashing.} #high {yellow} {The cave walls glow with phosphorescent algae.} #high {yellow} {You hear bones crunching.} #high {yellow} {You hear rocks rumbling.} #high {yellow} {A crystal clear tone resonates throughout the cavern.}